Ministry Reports
View reports from the most recent year and access archived annual report documents.
Partner report
The annual IBSA Partnership Report provides mission and ministry highlights at the mid-point of each year. The new report document and video are made available each August preceding local Baptist association meetings which take place across the state in early fall.
IBSA viewbook
Learn about our Illinois mission field and how IBSA seeks to fulfill our cooperative mission as a network of churches. With a ministry focus on the spiritual processes of health, growth, and mission in local congregations, IBSA and its partners stand ready to help your church take its next step.
Book of reports
Messengers to the IBSA Annual Meeting gather to hear reports and set the direction of actions The annual Book of Reports serves as the printed guide for the meeting, containing reports from Association entities and committees.
Previous years editions can be accessed below.
IBSA annual
IBSA Annual is a compilation of constitution and bylaws, official reports, annual meeting minutes, statistical tables, and directories of the Illinois Baptist Association and its three entities (IBSA, BCHFS, and BFI).