Who We Are

Advancing the gospel in Illinois
The Illinois Baptist State Association is a partnership of over 900 churches, church plants, and mission congregations working together to advance the gospel in Illinois and around the world. Founded in 1907, we are a family, journeying through the joys and challenges of church life. As we work together to experience health and growth, our churches also unite to spread the gospel and multiply churches into the vast lostness of our state.
OUr foundations
Our mission to our churches is to deliver network value that inspires each church to thrive in health, growth, and mission.
People are our shared mission field and the Great Commission is our shared purpose.
We value measurable EXCELLENCE for churches,
delivered in practical HELPFULNESS to churches,
that inspires cooperative ENGAGEMENT with churches,
and leads to Gospel ADVANCE through churches.
We are an association of Southern Baptist churches, who believe that the Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind, with His ultimate revelation being the Gospel message of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Southern Baptists have summarized their biblical convictions in a statement of faith called The Baptist Faith and Message. The full BF&M can be read here. Get “Meet Southern Baptists” here.
We coach pastors and
leaders toward breakthroughs in personal ministry effectiveness.
We guide churches in discoveries that lead to “next level” health.
We expand the personal leadership capacities of pastors and leaders.
We equip church leaders with effective skills and accessible tools for ministry and growth.
We catalyze compassion for the lost and commitments to evangelism, missions, and church planting.
We provide pathways and partnerships for each church to “turn inside out” into the lostness of its community and world.
We communicate to inspire heartfelt cooperation.
We invite each church to benefit from the network.
We encourage and assist each church in taking its “next step.”
We multiply and connect leaders for church and missionary service.
We perpetuate trust through operational integrity and excellence, wise stewardship, and positive relationships.
We reinvest the network’s value into member