
healthy growing churches
IBSA’s Health Team guides discoveries that empower breakthroughs in the lives of churches and pastors. Through a team of pathfinders, coaches, and consultants, we offer churches, associations, and their leaders opportunities for both long-term and short-term revitalization partnerships.
How we can serve your church
Pastoral coaching
A coach can provide life-giving encouragement to help you lead your church toward health and growth.
We can connect Illinois Baptist pastors with a trained coach. After a confidential assessment, the coach and pastor map out a plan together and meet regularly to pursue growth.
Contact Scott Foshie to learn more.
In Revelation 2-3, God calls every church to go to Jesus for an honest assessment that leads to breakthrough opportunities. IBSA offers assessments and consultations for any Illinois Baptist church.
These 360-degree assessments can help church leaders get a complete, accurate picture of their church’s Gospel impact, systems, and culture. Follow-up consultations can help churches take next steps.
Contact Scott Foshie to learn more.
Church renewal journey
The Church Renewal Journey is a layperson-led ministry that involves weekends designed to promote spiritual awakening, renewal, and revival in your church.
This free service, provided by a trained, lay-led mission team, can serve as a short-term revitalization process for your church.
Contact Scott Foshie to learn more.
ReFocus is the centerpiece of IBSA’s strategy to help churches and networks of all sizes and styles get healthy and maximize Gospel impact. Honest assessment and guided strategic planning are provided through ReFocus-certified pathfinders on IBSA’s Health Team.
Churches in ReFocus walk through six Biblical steps to develop and carry out a strategic plan for the church. They also receive encouragement, consultation, and support throughout the process.
Contact Scott Foshie to learn more.
By Bob Bickford One of the most frequent questions I’m asked when speaking with pastors, denominational and local church leaders
Mapping Your Church’s Revitalization Journey
In this one-hour resource, Scott Foshie and Tim Rhodus share how IBSA can help you map your church’s revitalization journey.
Worship and Church Revitalization
What role does worship have in revitalizing our churches? Everything! Dr. Joe Crider, dean and professor of church music from
Growing Young: 6 Strategies
What are young adults looking for in a church? You’ll need to look deeper than just technology and modern music.
6 Biblical Stepping Stones to Church Revitalization
The Bible reveals six key steps to leading the renewal process. Knowing these vital steps and having them anchored in
Pathways to Partnership: How You and Your Church Can Join the Replanting Movement
Churches in need of replanting and revitalization are best served by kingdom-minded congregations who can come alongside, offering support, encouragement,
Ready to get started and learn more?
If you are interested in learning more about the church revitalization journey through IBSA, please fill out this form and we will get in touch as quick as possible.