Resource Category: Leader Development

Discuss ways to encourage, inspire, and motivate your pastors through Pastor Cohorts, Roundtables, Conferences, etc. related resources

Using principles, stories and humor, this practical presentation will focus on the qualities, attitudes, and activities of healthy ministry leaders. related resources

The Bible reveals six key steps to leading the renewal process. Knowing these vital steps and having them anchored in Scripture helps pastors have conviction and reduces church leaders’ and church members’ resistance to the revitalization process. During this session, you will hear from others who have practiced these 6 biblical steps and you will […]

Churches in need of replanting and revitalization are best served by kingdom-minded congregations who can come alongside, offering support, encouragement, and the resources required to see a dying or declining church turnaround. Explore the necessary requirements for partnering and receiving partnerships to create thriving gospel proclaiming churches.. related resources

Identifying the biblical target for church revitalization reveals the need, fuels the work, and clarifies the path forward. During this workshop-style session, you will be equipped to assess and strategize in light of the biblical target. related resources

Determining a pastor’s readiness and a church’s receptivity can impact the decisions you make as you journey towards revitalization. In this session, you will learn how assessments inform the coaching journey of a revitalization pastor and can help a pastor stay focused during the chaos of leading change. During this session, you will receive a […]

Join Bob Bickford, Scott Foshie, Brandon Moore, and Rob Peters for a roundtable discussing revitalization issues and opportunities for churches and leaders today. related resources

Learning your Ministry Context is one key to getting Big Results. What works in one place may not work in another. Gain skills to better understand the place where you minister and the people you serve. related resources