Resource Category: Revitalization

Join Bob Bickford, Scott Foshie, Brandon Moore, and Rob Peters for a roundtable discussing revitalization issues and opportunities for churches and leaders today. related resources

Discover the traits of pastors who lead Biblical revitalization processes. Learn how to determine if you possess those traits and explore ways to develop them. related resources

Values are a key component to any church’s revitalization process. A church’s existing values may stymie attempts to redirect a congregation in the future. But fresh, carefully discerned values can be the pistons that drive a revitalized ministry. Church Health Director Scott Foshie talked with Rob Peters of ReFocus, a ministry group that guides churches […]

Perhaps the greatest need of our day is revival. I’m not talking about a series of revival meetings, though that might be needed as well. I’m talking about a genuine revival in the lives of Christians that brings spiritual renewal, vibrancy, and power. What a difference it would make in our day if revival was […]