Starting Point for Your Work in Kids Ministry
Whether you are newly starting in Kids Ministry, beginning at a new church, or working to launch a kids ministry in your church, here are some important considerations for long-term success. Personal Growth Leading Kids Ministry isn’t just a matter of teaching Bible lessons, planning events, or coming up with the best games and crafts. […]
Church Tax Seminar 2024
A seminar designed to help ministers, church treasurers, personnel committies & deacons better understand what is both helpful and required to navigate taxes for churches in 2024. Alan Monroe is the owner of Monroe Accounting Solutions and has served as an Illinois Baptist Pastor.
Worship and Church Revitalization
What role does worship have in revitalizing our churches? Everything! Dr. Joe Crider, dean and professor of church music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, uses Psalm 115 to help us see how the worship of God changes everything.
Rethinking Bivocational Planting
There are immense benefits to being a pastor who is able to live in the marketplace as a missionary and simultaneously shepherd and disciple the Church.
Church Planting in Small Towns
Church planting in small towns can often be a different approach to planting than in larger cities. Will Basham unpacks the philosophy of what it looks like to have an evangelism first, discipleship next mindset.
Advancing the Gospel through Church Planting
Church planting is a powerful form of evangelism that every church can participate in. Learn from a panel of Church planters about how SBC churches have supported and partnered with them to make an impact on the lost and in making disciples.
Classroom Management Tips
Learn best practices for having a safe, fun, and engaging learning environment for children in your church. Download Handout Here
The Deacon: His Purpose and Character
Training for deacons and their pastors. An overview of the biblical character needed and what that looks like in the deacon’s life, as well as practical ways deacons can fulfill their ministry to serve their church. Download Handout Here