What Are We Aiming For? The What and the Why of Church Revitalization

Identifying the biblical target for church revitalization reveals the need, fuels the work, and clarifies the path forward. During this workshop-style session, you will be equipped to assess and strategize in light of the biblical target. https://vimeo.com/669979575?share=copy related resources

Importance of Assessment and Coaching in the Revitalization Journey

Determining a pastor’s readiness and a church’s receptivity can impact the decisions you make as you journey towards revitalization. In this session, you will learn how assessments inform the coaching journey of a revitalization pastor and can help a pastor stay focused during the chaos of leading change. During this session, you will receive a […]

Revitalization Roundtable

Join Bob Bickford, Scott Foshie, Brandon Moore, and Rob Peters for a roundtable discussing revitalization issues and opportunities for churches and leaders today. https://vimeo.com/670294495?share=copy related resources

Knowing Your Ministry Context: Mark Croston

Learning your Ministry Context is one key to getting Big Results. What works in one place may not work in another. Gain skills to better understand the place where you minister and the people you serve. https://vimeo.com/670787638?share=copy related resources

Transforming Prayer: Steve Hopkins

Praying Christians are hungry to learn how to connect with God in a way that takes them beyond the typical grocery-list approach. Discover the profound difference between seeking God’s hand (what he does for people) and seeking God’s face (who he really is). This workshop will equip pastors with practical tools for a more effective […]

Transforming the Local Church Into a Regional Force: Andy Addis

Churches are generally in the business of reinventing the wheel. Every week pastors, volunteers, and committees are in a never-ending process of creating, producing, and presenting. But what if you could take the best of what you’re already doing and share it? Bi-vocational pastors could redeem their time, places where the ministry has never survived […]

Preaching To The Skeptic: Ben Mandrell

Without knowing it, some pastors alienate the unchurched in the room. With a few intentional decisions, your messages can become more engaging and compassionate toward those who are far from God. Ben Mandrell shares some of the things he learned while planting his church in Denver, as he communicated each week in a post-Christian context. […]

Soul Care for the Pastor: Ben Mandrell

Local church ministry is a depleting, never-ceasing project and this session is designed to help church leaders look within the heart to discover where the Holy Spirit wants to bring healing and growth. Are you weary? Feeling a little burnt out? Come in and get some encouragement. https://vimeo.com/678207570?share=copy related resources