- Your BIBLE (the most essential item for Camp)
- Bedding or Sleeping Bag (twin size for most all the cabins)
- Towels (showers and pool) & Toiletries
- Swim Wear **Modest one-piece swimsuits are required, or a dark cover up worn over bathing suit. Females are to wear a cover up to and from aquatic areas. Males are to wear a t-shirt and trunks to and from aquatic areas.
- Sneakers and Sandals
- Notebook & Pen
- Sunscreen
- Bug repellent
- Water Bottle
- Flashlight
- Medication **all medications must be in the original container, placed in a ziploc bag, and labeled with the camper’s name and church
- Spending money for the Gift Shop and Mission Offerings
- Clothes **Clothing should be both weather and camp appropriate. Be prepared for unpredictable Indiana weather, camp activities, and worship.
- Pajamas
- Firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind
- Alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or non-prescription medications
- Fireworks
- Water guns
- Electronics: radios, iPods, CD players, portable gaming devices
- Skateboards, roller-skates/roller-blades, or skate shoes like Heelys
- Tank tops, short shorts, offensive t-shirts that do not reflect the Christian Message, clothing that exposes midriffs, bikinis, or cut-off shirts of any kind (underwear must not be showing in any clothing as well)